The Commercial Benefits of Pole Signs for Small Out of the Way Businesses

EMC Sign

Why does any business incorporate a sign? To increase visibility, increase exposure, and increase customer traffic. One of the best ways to influence the success of these outcomes is by choosing the correct sign type for your business. While many companies will often lean towards more traditional signs, such as storefront signs, these are less effective for drawing new customers who wouldn’t normally be near your business. One of the most reliable sign types a business can use to achieve their visibility and customer goals is to install a pole sign.

Pole Signs: The Ultimate Visibility Tool for Your Business

Digital signage
This is one of the many types of pole signs Precision Sign Company can make for you.

Pole signs are one of the most effective sign strategies for increasing a business’s overall visibility and customer exposure. The reason for this is the combination of height and visuals a pole sign provides is extremely effective in low pedestrian traffic areas. For urban businesses, blade signs are often a great visibility tool for garnering the attention of local foot traffic. But for more rural businesses, the most popular form of customer traffic is local drivers. Pole signs that are positioned next to busy roads are often the most effective location for maximizing consumer visibility.

The Best Sign Option for Small Businesses

Pole signs are also extremely cost-effective, particularly for small businesses. Based on the cost of certain advertising channels, many small businesses struggle to afford the means to properly promote their business. A pole sign is a great way to overcome the challenges of low foot traffic and hidden storefronts by placing a dynamic sign right in its way. Some businesses will also add EMCs to their pole signs to increase the sign’s visibility and dynamism.

So, you want to install a pole sign for your business, but how do you do it? With the Precision Sign Company, you can receive high-quality signs at a great price. Contact us and get a quote on a pole sign today.


The Key to a Successful Sign Design Process

Unique sign design

The key to having a successful sign design is having a success-oriented sign design process. An effective sign design process means you are able to execute goals and objectives, achieve desired outcomes, and do so with little to no resistance or complication. Sometimes that means hiring professional assistance to help guide your designs, your approach, and, most importantly, your process.

Sign Design First, Then Project Permits

The first piece to the sign creation puzzle is the design. This is also one of the most important stages of the process as a whole. The design determines the concept, sign type, material, colors, etc., which directly affect how consumers interact with your brand and business. Sign design is an area where experience can mean the difference between product success and failure.

Skilled sign manufacturer
A Precision Sign Company technician using their years of manufacturing experience to create a client design.

Once the design has been chosen, it is important to determine the permitting for the project. After all, if local legislation prevents you from displaying your sign in a given location, then it is best to know before you begin manufacturing. This is typically one of the most overlooked steps in the sign creation process and where most amateurs make their mistakes.

Manufacturing and Installation

After you have acquired the necessary permits to display your sign of choice, it is time to start building it. Signs can vary drastically in terms of materials, styles, and construction methods. That is why it is crucial to have an experienced team that can troubleshoot when obstacles arise.

Finally, once the sign is complete, you can install the sign. More often than not, this is easier said than done. Some signs will need to be hung up high on a façade. In that case, CDL drivers will need to be hired to operate the necessary trucks, cranes, and mechanical equipment. It is best to plan for these steps far in advance.

Trying to create your own sign design process is difficult if you have no prior industry experience or knowledge. That is why Precision Sign Company is here to help. Contact us today to receive a quote on our signature sign approach.