Interior Signs: How to Use Them to Improve Customer Relations

Wall Signs in Colorado 

You’ve got your business logo, you’ve got your storefront, but do you have interior signs? No matter how much time you spend on marketing and advertising, the truth of the matter is that the signage inside your store has one of the biggest impacts on customer relations. So, how can you use interior signs to improve your customer relations? Keep reading to find out! You’ll also find some tips on creating the right sign for your business!

Signage is Your Brand – It Should Be Everywhere

The first thing potential customers see is your custom signage – if it’s subpar, they won’t even come in. Make sure your signage reflects who you are and what you do. An interior sign can communicate everything from your mission to product or service offerings to hours of operation. A few key pieces of information are critical – your name, address, and phone number – but ideally, a customer should be able to find anything she needs within seconds using signs strategically placed throughout the interior of your business.

Choose Sign Materials Wisely

A strategically placed office logo sign

Always ensure that your interior signs are made from materials suitable for indoor and outdoor use. For example, plastic will scratch and crack if it’s not designed for outdoors, and metal will rust. By choosing a material that’s suited to both indoor and outdoor use, you can maximize lifespan, protect your investment and increase the value of your signage. Our friendly team at Precision Sign Company is happy to walk you through all our options.

Brand Consistency in Sign Design

While a sign is only one part of your overall business, it can make an impact on every part of your company. If you’re working with Precision Sign Company in Colorado, you know how important signs are for building a consistent brand image across multiple mediums. By communicating your mission through several different media channels, it makes it easier for potential customers to connect with what you do. And when they make that connection, they are more likely to act upon it.

Get People Excited About Your New Sign

Once you’ve decided on an interior sign, it’s time to spread excitement about your new signage throughout your office or workplace. The way that you do so will depend largely on how many people you work with, but here are a few general tips that can help maximize your success no matter how large or small your team is. * Show off before installation.

Give Your Company the Gift of a Custom Sign

Give your company the gift of a custom signage design, fabricated, and installed by professionals. At Precision Sign Company, we only use experienced staff and carefully selected products, ensuring your business attracts new customers in ways you never dreamed possible. Contact us to get started with your new sign.

How to Incorporate Interior Branding Solutions Into Interior Design Concepts

Wall Signs in Colorado 

Interior branding solutions is a design methodology that helps communicate the brand image of a company through the design elements of a physical environment. This may be inside a storefront, an office space, or other physical areas of a business that would benefit from a polished and carefully designed space.

Why Are Interior Branding Solutions Important?

Interior branding is important because it affects the overall perception of a company by its clients and employees. Strong interior branding solutions and designs help to enhance the client experience and provide a more positive image for employees. This may be subtle, but good interior branding can elevate a visitor’s first impression of a company and influence their next decision to work with that particular company.

How to Incorporate Interior Branding Into Interior Design

Custom wall signs are the most effective way to share your brand identity.

Companies should consider colors, textures, and overall aesthetics of their interior spaces, whether an office space or other sections of a business. They should also consider how they can match the interior décor to their brand image. This may be done through furniture selection, wall painting, and most importantly, through wall signage that is customized to match your brand. It is most important to rely on customized interior branding to fully realize your brand’s identity in a physical space.

What Are Some Examples of Interior Branding?

Some of the most impactful examples of interior branding solutions include logo signs, custom wayfinding signs, wall murals or other decorative wall signs, custom branded graphics, and other types of signage that you may commonly find in the interior of a workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about wall signs or other types of interior signs, please feel free to contact us directly or submit a request for a custom quote, and we will be happy to help you.

Benefits of EMC and Digital Signage Over Traditional Signage

EMC Sign

Everything is going digital, including your signs. For many businesses, traditional signage is thought to be a better investment than its digital counterparts. Static signs require a smaller initial investment and even less maintenance than digital signs. But that’s where the preference for static signs stop. Digital signage provides its businesses with adaptable signs that grab consumer attention at all hours of the day – especially at night.

Digital Signage (EMC) is More Eye-catching and Has a Further Reach Than Static Signage

Unlike static signs, digital signage uses dynamic lighting and movement to attract the attention of its viewers. Digital signage, or EMC signs, can provide transitions and animation that immediately grab the attention of those passing by. Static signs provide no incentive for viewership and can often get lost in the sea of competitor signs. Similarly, these signs can be adjusted on-the-fly to meet the business’s target audience.

Consumer bases are constantly changing. Changing with them is a huge advantage for a business and will save you tons of money in replacement costs. These Electronic Messaging Centers can also be quite personal. They can provide support for local initiatives or communicate a business’s response to daily news. This emotional connection is much more valuable than that of digital signage.

Digital signage
This is one of the many types of EMC signs Precision Sign Company can make for you.

Digital Signage is Versatile and More Cost-Effective

Contrary to popular belief, digital signs are actually the more cost-effective signage. The LEDs used in EMCs and digital signs can last for almost 10 years. That means almost no bulb replacement is required. Similarly, not having to replace your sign based on consumer appeal means you can use your digital sign for years – even decades – to come.

Digital signs are the best investment for a small, local business. They have a great return on investment, are energy efficient, and require almost no maintenance. If you are curious about upgrading your business with a digital sign, contact us at Precision Sign Company today.

Latest Trends in Branding Your Business

Modern blade signs can be customized to your brand.

Your sign is often the first interaction that a customer has with your business. Therefore, it’s essential that you not only convey essential information about your services, but also that you use a design that’s attractive enough to separate you from the competition.

To be able to do this, you have to understand the latest trends in business branding, which you can find below.

Minimalistic, Versatile, and Relatable Logo Design

It’s tempting to think that louder is always better, but modern tastes say differently. In fact, thanks to companies like Apple, minimalist design has emerged as one of the most attractive design styles for customers.

This does make sense when you think about it, as minimalist design strips your custom signage to only its bare essentials – only what you think is absolutely necessary for your customer to know about your business.

Professional painters monument sign
Minimalist design banks on the belief that a little can go a long way.

In some cases, you may get away with just a logo. In others, you may only need a logo and a slogan. Needs will change depending on your specific industry, customers, and services.

Another benefit of minimalism is that it is very versatile in that it allows your signs to be used in all sorts of different environments. Minimalist custom signage can go outside of your storefront, behind your receptionist’s desk, on the wall outside of your business’s elevators, and all sorts of other places.

Custom Signs to Incorporate the Latest Branding Trends

Despite having the name “minimalist”, minimalist design actually requires far more consideration and expertise than standard signage. This is because you often have to convey so much information on your minimal sign real estate.

To make this process easier, hand off your custom signage to the team of professionals at Precision Sign Company. With over a decade of experience and tracking branding trends, helping to create custom signage for individuals and businesses from all walks of life, you can rely on Precision Sign Company to create the perfect sign for your needs.

Design Architectural Signage to Boost Brand Identity

Architectural Signage

Have you ever walked into a company’s office only to be greeted by beautiful architectural signage? If you have, you know just how impactful the experience can be.

It’s impactful in the sense that it immediately alerts you to the level of service you can expect from the company; no company puts that much effort and detail into their sign without also applying that same amount of effort and detail into their actual services.

Therefore, as a business owner – or just someone with a message to promote in general – one of the best ways to impress upon people a sense of quality and trustworthiness is with architectural signage.

Architectural Signage Combines Brand Identity and Functionality

Another benefit of architectural signage is that it can be a great way to maximize the functionality of your business space. For example, a bland-looking concrete wall behind your receptionist’s desk can suddenly become a perfect way to convey your services to visitors – and more naturally transform your space to better convey your brand identity.

The open architectural space within your office is the perfect opportunity to naturally express your brand identity.

A pop-up sign outside your office’s elevator isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn’t really feel connected to the rest of your space. Using an entire wall outside of the elevators, however, can better convey the feeling to visitors that they’ve just stepped into your world.

Tips For Designing Great Architectural Signs

Designing custom signage that seamlessly flows with the architecture of your business space requires a lot of consideration. Beyond consideration, it also requires extensive architectural know-how and equipment.

For these reasons alone, you want to make sure that you only deal with the best of the best in architectural signage.

For over a decade, we at Precision Sign Company have been working with organizations across all kinds of different industries to help provide them personalized custom signage. If you’re looking for architectural signage that you can trust, come pay us a visit at Precision Sign Company to see what we can do for you.